Collection: Capricorn
We're in the last leg of the Zodiac signs and we've got to Capricorn, a strong and resilient sign, that tends to hide behind a cold exterior but dont let that fool you. Behind that front, lays someone empathetic but that doesn't want to be taken advantage of.
For its stones, for anchor and base we have Black Tourmaline and Hematite v.2.
On creativity and passion we have Dalmatian Jaspe and Silver Rutilated Quartz
For Protection and Personality we have Rainbow Fluorite and Crysoberyll
For Emotional Balance and Love we have Malachite and Rose Quartz.
For self-affirmation and communication we have Blue Calcite v.2
For Meditation and intuition we have Amethyst, Purple Fluorite, and Moonstone v.2
For Awakening and Spirituality we have Moonstone v.2